If a rock star was a sofa it would probably be a Chesterfield. Fact. I’ve been wanting one of these beauties for so long and finally I have found the one for me. This is a momentous day, so momentous you’re all getting to hear about it now on my blog! Initially I walked straight past him in the shop, never even realising he was there, spotting him on the second pass and knowing he was the sofa for me and getting the bargain of the century!
So let me introduce to you, my new couch, this is the Chesterfield of my dreams and yes I’ve decided to do a full post about it! Not necessarily telling you how it was made or how comfortable it is but to show you some killer photographs I've taken in my flat. After all, it’s the second biggest thing I’ve ever bought! I must be an adult now - right?
Over the years I've seen so many cool images taken on, or around the Chesterfield sofa, so with that in mind, I thought I’d add mine to the collection. As you can see I’ve moved a few things around in the flat to make room for my legendary new sofa, the coffee table for instance was against one of the walls, has been rightfully placed in front of my new three seater and I think it looks perfect!
I was lucky enough to get my pal & photographer Dennis in on this post, which had now turned into a full on shoot in my living room. We met early Friday morning, had a coffee then started shooting. The way the flat looks at the moment is sick, I have everything I want in there now and I think Chloe and I have aced the interior decoration game, with this sofa being the final flourish!
The scene was set, incense sticks were lit and the room slowly began to fill with smoke giving the photographs a certain ambiance. I think we got some killer shots of both the Chesterfield and myself, the shoot I’d imagined in my head was starting to look pretty damn good! It was actually pretty hard to choose an outfit for this shoot as I wanted it to look as cool as possible, which blatantly meant I had to wear my leather jacket. Since I was in the comfort of my living room I thought I'd loose the shirt and just go with the necklaces, rings and my other jewellery, rock and roll.
The sofa was pretty hard to manoeuvre into the flat but after a good ten minutes and help from the legend who kindly delivered it, he was in. I think the sofa has been around a few good years so with that in mind a thorough clean was necessary. I polished and buffed him right up and as you can see he's come up a treat!
My small coffee table (yet another vintage find) is looking pretty damn good if I do say so myself. As you can guess, I'm huge fan of candles but these guys were actually harder than to finds you think, as everywhere only sell non-drip candles, no idea why? However, after finding a seller on eBay I have purchased quite a lot of these epic candles that slowly pour and dribble down anything you put them on! The roses are the main feature of the table, which were initially from Valentines day and are now totally dry. I bought these for Chloe, however, I think I’ve had more enjoyment from these than she did for the week and a half they lasted in full bloom!
My small coffee table (yet another vintage find) is looking pretty damn good if I do say so myself. As you can guess, I'm huge fan of candles but these guys were actually harder than to finds you think, as everywhere only sell non-drip candles, no idea why? However, after finding a seller on eBay I have purchased quite a lot of these epic candles that slowly pour and dribble down anything you put them on! The roses are the main feature of the table, which were initially from Valentines day and are now totally dry. I bought these for Chloe, however, I think I’ve had more enjoyment from these than she did for the week and a half they lasted in full bloom!
The decanters arranged around the table are all from various car boot sales or second had shops. I love the etched glass and think they look better like this, than for their intended use of holding alcohol. I positioned my new pride and joy against the back wall of the living room as this is where the sun falls in the summer months, so sitting back relaxing in the sunshine is exactly what’s going to happen. I did have to move some of the frames we had on the wall as the back of the sofa is very high, but they look just as good in their new position.
Overall I think the flat is looking its sexiest, with this sofa being the final touch it needed. You can head across to my YouTube channel today where you can see a catch up with me plus a little bit more of the big red beauty!
Photographs by Gimbaa