Hey guys, today is a very special day for me and my blog as we've reached another milestone! 100 posts! Wow. I can tell you I'm pretty proud of myself! I never thought I'd be consistent enough to stick with it and hit 100 posts, however, I have and I've loved every bloody second of it!

Today I want to look back on some of my favourite shoots, styles and items that I've featured in the past hundred posts on my blog. So, let's go! I'll kick things off with my love affair with animal print shirts, my favourite pattern being a wild leopard print.

By now you'll all know it's a style that features a lot on my blog, whether that pattern being printed on jackets, jumpers and as you can see shirts. There's nothing cooler in my opinion than a leopard print shirt or in fact, any animal print paired with a black leather biker jacket. I feel like an animal print brings that touch of rock and roll and attitude to any outfit and makes you stand out from the crowd.

Next up is one of my favourite locations I shot at last year. This was at the old deserted entrance to the shipyards, close to where I live. This is where I shot the Domino shirt from All Saints. The last shot you see above is probably up there with my favourite photograph of last year. I just love the setup, it makes the shirt look even more awesome.

The burnt out, scarred room where this photograph was taken looks like somewhere All Saints, themselves would shoot at, the discarded sofa in the middle of the room looks super cool with me perched on one of the arms. I love featuring photographs with an interesting background, rather than just your plain old white wall.

James Bay X Topman, a collection that had my name written all over it! I love James' music and style, I would definitely class him as one of my fashion inspirations, so when he launched his collection for Topman I knew I just had to get something.

This is one of my top items I picked up last year, I love the jacket and western styling, it was the item I wanted the most from the capsule and the one I luckily got my hands on. It's a tan brown suede jacket with simple zip up front. This is the jacket James wore to the launch of his collection I just hope I pull it off as well as he did!

Something I want to do more of this year is to collaborate and work with creatives and photographers. My camera is awesome and that's what I mostly use to capture my blog photos, however, nothing beats a quality image you get from working with a professional photographer. This shot I got back from my mate Adam after shooting some items back in November.

The Kooples leather jacket, I'm now super lucky to own a handful of their incredible jackets but in my personal opinion, nothing beats a statement black leather biker. This is one I picked up last year in the sale, it wasn't the best bargain I've ever come by as it still set me back £300, however, I was drunk at the time of buying, so it sort of didn't hurt me as much as I thought it would. The next morning maybe a little more still, I don't regret a thing, as this biker is one cool item which I know will last me years.

Finally, we have my short(er) hair, the only major change to my style over the past 11 months. I know it's still (long) but for me, this was quite a change. Looking back on it now, I wish I'd taken this step before I actually did. My hair in some photographs was a little too long!

These images are awesome to look back at, and these past 10 months have been an utter blast! Expect the same again every Wednesday and Sunday this year. You can see all these photographs across on my YouTube channel as I describe the locations, styles and favourite items over my past 100 posts in more detail. Think of it like directors commentary. Click below to watch my video.

Thank you all for sticking with me,


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