January is over, how long did that feel? Even longer, as alcohol has not passed my lips since NYE! Finally, I can start drinking again!
Pints of delicious alcohol aside, this next month is shaping up to be an exciting one! Job prospects are on the horizon and even the proposition of moving out, yes - you heard right! Finally, at the ripe old age of 26! February could be the month I up sticks and move out! However, the only thing holding me back is finding somewhere to live, how bloody difficult is it?
As I mentioned in my previous post, one of the most positive things I achieved in January was to set and stick to a daily routine. I'm proud of myself for sticking to it and incorporating it as a part of my day. I can tell you, it has made getting out of bed much so much easier in the morning! Exercise, meditation and positive thinking can get you a long way, believe me!
You'll all remember how much I raved about my new diary and this remains one of the main things that has got me through the first month of the year. Setting targets, making lists and writing thoughts down on paper has really helped me organise and smash January. Green tea has been another one of my saviours. A good ol' cuppa or iced green tea has been the perfect start to each day.
Clothing wise it has to be the classic round neck T-shirt. I know it's freezing cold out there and yes I was bloody freezing, not to mention windswept when I shot this post. The basic tee has come in handy this month as it's just such a cool casual base to any outfit. If you know me, you'll know I hardly ever wear a boring old round neck, however, this month this has changed. I've been reaching for this style instead of my classic go-to scoop neck tee, which is a big change for me. I think the higher neck looks better with the "slightly" shorter hair do.

You may recognise this t-shirt as I wore it in one of my recent posts, I was going to dedicate a post solely on this super cool t-shirt but sadly days after I'd bought it online from Levi they'd taken it off their website. I have no idea why, but it meant I couldn't really write something on it as I don't like featuring things you can't get your hands on! This, however, is another prime example of me subconsciously buying a round neck, but how could I not when the graphic on the front looks this cool! 'It's only rock and roll!' -
And I actually like it!
I'd love to know the things that got you through January? As I'll need more motivation to keep me going in February! Looking on the bright side 2018 has now officially started, January which seemed like the longest month in the world is over! We've made it! Come at me February and of course, I'll be sure to make you wet!
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