I always get asked a lot of questions about my hair, from how I style it, to which shampoo I use. So with that in mind, I thought I'd write a small post about it. The first thing you may have realised is that yes, I have had a small haircut. I don't know what it was, but I just wanted a change. Saying that, I've actually taken the plunge and had my hair cut shorter than usual. Straight away, I regretted the decision, it's not a huge difference, but still, I like my hair a little bit longer than it currently is now.

I blame it on the Bay effect, when I saw James with his new do, it did make me think a little more about the length of my hair. I however, haven't gone for such a drastic change, just somewhere in-between. Even so, it's still quite a change for me, having shoulder-length hair. After that sizable intro about my thoughts on my new do I'll begin to tell you my top hair tips. 

I'll start talking about the products I use. In this post, I'll tell you all my secrets from start to finish, including something I've NEVER let slip before, so let's go. Shampoo & conditioner are two things you have to get right. I have quite dry hair so I need a shampoo that locks in as much moisture as possible.

These two little bottles have just that and are great for my hair, in fact, the whole range of Bumble and bumble products are super great as you'll always find a product that's perfect for your individual needs.

This Surf range is great for my hair, Bumble & bumble use a blend of minerals and sea botanicals which clean and wipe out impurities. Leaving my hair feeling very soft along, but still adding texture and enhancing naturally wavy locks.

After washing my hair it's on to the heat protection spray. I don't really have a favourite of this particular product, as I feel they all do pretty much the same job. If you're going to expose your hair to any heat, it's always a good idea to defend it against hot temperatures.

After washing, conditioning and drying, comes the biggest secret of mine! I have naturally curly hair, however to give the curl more definition, I sometimes use a curling wand. There I said it, the secret is out! This gives my hair that little extra curl, without waiting the days it takes for my hair to naturally do this. It's a helping hand to achieve the style I want.

Finally the finishing touches, this involves hairspray. Believe me, I've tried them all and I've never found one even half as good as the one I'm about to share! The hairspray I've been using for years now is got2be. This is the one product I really couldn't live without! It has everything you want in a hairspray, it gives the ultimate hold, keeps any style of hair in the exact way you want it, plus it doesn't flake or dry. It really is number one!

If you've never tried this before, I couldn't recommend it more!
To shop got2be click here.

Another finishing touch I use on a daily basis is a salt spray, which helps me achieve that windblown tousled effect. It gives my hair a soft flexible wave along with giving those curls of mine that natural look. It's a great product for making your hair look thickly textured, plus it smells amazing!

Shop Bumble & bumble salt spray click here.

Another ultimate tip comes from one of the most simple items, the humble bobble. This is the saviour of my hair. Every night my hair goes up in a bobble before I go to sleep, without doing this my hair wouldn't look the same! The bobble keeps my hair in check, it also keeps the curls in my hair, it even improves the curls, but it has to be tied correctly.

I don't just tie my hair up, it has to be done in a precise way. It's all about the twist. I have to twist my hair in the way of its natural curl. After I've done this I have to get the tension right, it can't be loose, it also can't be too tight as it will hurt your head. Somewhere in-between is where you need to be, I also always secure my twisted top knot in a double or even triple loop, wrapping the bobble around itself, keeping tension on the curls wrapped in my man bun.

If you follow all these tips you'll hopefully achieve a style similar to mine, whilst improving the strength and health of your hair in the long run.  If you have any tips for longer hair I'd love to hear them, I've recently heard coconut oil is awesome for any type of hair and really want to try that out.

Watch today's new YouTube video for a more detailed look at all of these products, plus a few more and of course, some more hair tips from me.


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